Happy Father’s Day to all our fathers and spiritual male role models! If you are blessed enough to have one, take time today in person or virtually to celebrate or thank your dad and/or a positive male mentor/role model in your life for taking care of your physical, emotional, and/or spiritual needs! They have given you so much (like clothes, rides to places, advice on how to handle situations, and much more), and sacrificed for you in many ways you both know and don’t know about! Let them know what their support and sacrifices mean to you through kind and encouraging words, giving specific examples of how they helped you, and doing something nice they will appreciate without being asked to! If you don’t have a father (or a father figure to look up to) and haven’t experienced the joy and warmth that type of relationship can bring, God wants to personally show you what a perfectly loving, providing, generous, and merciful Father looks like and be that for you! For proof check out Psalm 103:8-18 for yourself! Even if you have father and male mentor figures, God still wants to show you those same things as well!! How cool is that?!