We become what we focus on and spend time doing/thinking about. How are we focusing and prioritizing our time in this season? Who or what are we turning to for hope, peace, and security when we are feeling anxious about all the things going on in the world? Who or what are we letting guide and decide what to post and repost online? Who or what are we letting decide what videos, music, tv, and other media we should spend time watching and listening to each day? Ultimately who or what are we letting guide all our thoughts, actions, and prayers towards friends, family, strangers, and even those we may feel are enemies? If we claim to be growing into the likeness of Christ as a Christian, is it truly Him guiding our thoughts, actions, words, time, opinions, and feelings; and are we taking time daily to purposefully pause before speaking or acting and honestly reflect inward through prayer and reading the Bible to make sure our thoughts and feelings are not personal biases or opinions?
The answers to all these questions reveal our true focus, which is essentially all our thoughts, actions, and what we spend time doing and choosing not to do. If we claim to be a Christian, these things are our witness (for better or worse) to an ever darkening world, and how much of His light, love, compassion, mercy, and His version of justice comes out of us is wholly dependent on our daily focus (Proverbs 4:23 NLT). Jesus even said “No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thornbushes, or grapes from briers. A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” (Luke 6:43-45 NIV).
After answering the questions above, who or what is your focus in life right now? I promise if it isn’t daily spending time in the Bible and prayer, trusting in His guidance and provision, and spending time with true followers of Christ who want to encourage you and build lasting friendships, your life could be EPICALLY BETTER STARTING TODAY!
If you aren’t closely following just God’s voice and light during this time of increasing noise, distraction, chaos, and division; you can find ultimate peace, security, comfort, and hope that only a devoted, growing relationship with Jesus can give (John 14:6)!! Keep reading to find out how!
He loves you sooo much, and, no matter your past or what you have done, all you have to do is ask for forgiveness for not listening to His loving guidance, ask Him to guide all your thoughts and actions moving forward, start digging in to the Bible to learn more about our Lord and how He calls us to think and behave, and start praying for God to change your thoughts of yourself and others (and as a result actions towards both) to be more and more like His.
He wants so badly to give you “life to the full” so don’t delay in committing, or recommitting, your life to Him this very moment to start enjoying the most amazing and satisfying love and joy you can ever know (John 10:10)! Why wait a second longer?!
Not sure how to though? Paul says “If you confess with your mouth ‘Jesus is Lord’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved”(Romans 10:9)! It’s that simple! Just bow your head, close your eyes, and say to God: “I am so sorry God for running from and not listening to you. Thank you for sending Jesus to pay the price for my sin and rebellion so I can know your amazing love and guidance personally. I commit all I am, thoughts and actions, to following you for the rest of my life. Amen.”
Congratulations if you prayed this!! WE ARE SOO EXCITED YOU ARE NOW A PART OF THE AMAZING, ETERNAL, LOVING FAMILY OF GOD, AND PROUD OF YOU FOR MAKING THE BEST DECISION EVER!! WOOOO!! Please let us know if you prayed this prayer or rededicated your life to Him so we can celebrate with you, support your decision, and help you get started or restarted!!
None of us are promised tomorrow, and this is the most important, life-changing choice you can ever make (James 4:13-15)!